Gold Mines in Ireland

The Rich History and Future Potential of Gold Mines in Ireland

In Ireland, there are a great many fabulous and semi-fairy legends, as well as songs. It is possible that their basis was the fact that the primitive Irish mined gold there. In the world, there are many legends, tales, and fables associated with the gold mines in ireland. But, perhaps, it is Ireland – the richest potential gold mine in the world.

The concept of Ireland’s mining development

Mining is one of the oldest occupations of man, which gave impetus to the civilizational progress of society, and the use of coal as an exhaustible non-renewable resource forced mankind to be in constant confrontation with nature, generate new technical ideas and demonstrate the best human qualities. Man, having mastered the extraction of gold, began to search for and develop places for gold mining. Today, gold mining has acquired an industrial scale and reached the state level. Gold mines and mines are scattered all over the world, some of which are especially popular.

From the first timid steps, the development of mining in Ireland was completely subordinated to British interests. When prices fell on the world market or the demand for minerals fell, the Irish mines took the brunt, and the miners lost their jobs. All highly paid posts were occupied by foreigners, all qualified specialists arrived from abroad, and no one cared about the training of national personnel. In short, the orders introduced later in the English possessions in Asia and Africa prevailed.

The inhabitants of Ireland should make every effort to live on their domestic products, to limit their luxuries to them alone, and to do so as far as possible without foreign. Ireland became interested in oil reserves in the Irish Sea about thirty or forty years ago, but development there never began: oil was too cheap, and the level of technology at the time did not allow oil to be produced on the shelf without a huge investment.

Do Gold Mines have future potential in Ireland?

Ireland is the country where more Bronze Age gold treasures have been found than anywhere else in Europe. The National Museum of Ireland’s collection of prehistoric gold items, dating from between the 22nd and 5th centuries BC, is the largest in Western Europe. Most of the gold objects found in Ireland are ornaments, but the exact purpose of some is unknown.

The fact is that gold in Ireland was mined in a loose way, that is, by collecting gold flakes and nuggets in rivers. If there is native gold in the rocks, it is washed out over the millennia from the softer minerals surrounding it, carried by the course of rivers down into the valleys, and accumulated in river sediments. The rich history and future potential of gold mines in Ireland are explained by the following:

  • Sudden changes do not fit into the concept of a sound investment.
  • Gold has been rising for twelve years in a row, which is quite unusual. After all, this requires a reduction, a certain liquidation. It’s unnatural. While this is the largest price drop in the last thirty years is unusual; on the other hand, such uncommon incidents are quite common in financial markets.
  • There is a danger that central banks will lose control over inflation and interest rates. This is a deadly combination for the bond market as well as for stocks, which happened already in the seventies.